Wednesday, April 27, 2011

my mood ring is on crack!

does your mood ring spin circles, ala Exorcist style?  do you wake up singin "Oh what a beautiful morning" and by mid afternoon become the Michael Jackson zombie charcter who looks up and says "Go Away!"  yeah?   I certainly travel the whole color wheel of emotion, take a spin and see where i land.  I've heard/read that we are a dish of chemicals, as our levels fluctuate so does our mood.  I am certainly no authority on this, but i can tell you that there are days when I'm skating on rainbows singing to the soundtrack of Xanadu and other days where all I can manage is a off key tune singing back up for Milli Vanilli.  I've tried to make these personalities communicate.  I was standing on an elevated train platform one day, looking at the cars zoom by down below. the sky was blue, fluffy clouds and the warm breeze wrapped around me. I felt amazing, I hadn't won the lottery or cracked Colonel Sanders secret recipe, I just felt good, I felt really really good.  I decided to bookmark this moment and make sure to share this page of life to the stodgy person I knew I would someday become, you know, that person in you who feels like a pile of crap.

I remember watchin an episode of family feud when i was younger and the host Richard Dawson stopped to ask this 90 year old women what the secret to life was...she replied "just do things". Her response hit me hard, WHAT? can it be that simple?  Ole girl broke it down for us real good. 

"Just do things!"  damn.


  1. Of the big three to accomplishing any goal...(Knowing what needs to be done / Knowing how to do it / Doing it)...By far the most difficult...just doing it (Expending the effort / Foregoing temptation to quit).

    Most of us fall short at the application portion...that is real separates the pure dreamers and armchair generals from true accomplishers.

  2. I love it: Just do things. So true. An opportunity came knocking on my door yesterday and this advice rang in the back of my head. Life is too damn short *not* to just do things.

  3. Just do things. LOVE IT. Perfect. Great post.

    Visiting from the rewind.

  4. Well spoken. "Just do things" indeed.
    Though honestly, I try not to sing along to Xanadu whenever possible. :)

  5. Todd, great post!! Let us know if you do manage to crack the Colonel's recipe! now where are my leg warmers... Xanadu ooo ooo

  6. Lovely Post. Visiting from FibroTown :)

    New follower from Definitely ME :)

  7. Have just clicked your follow button I enjoyed this so much! Very funny.
    Popped by for a Weekend Rewind - didn't expect Xanadu.
    Cheers, Jennifer x

  8. That old lady is so right!

    Thanks for Rewinding at the Fibro.

  9. Could the secret of happiness be that simple?

    Thanks for passing on the wisdom.

  10. The secret to happiness is not look for it apparently. Easier said than done though hey. Thanks, had a great read over my Sunday Morning Coffee. Over from the Fibro. - Bern x

  11. Good to have those moments of happiness when you just 'are' - I will try to bookmark mine too before I get too old and cranky! Visiting via the Weekend Rewind....Kirsty @ My Home Truths

  12. Ummmm, check, check, check... It out! :D
