Saturday, July 23, 2011

Suede turns 100

Yeahz. KOol MoDeez. 100th post. 100 mutterings and musings of a 35 year old skinny dude whose talent of putting one foot in front of the other has basically led him to the same damn spot.  If I were a leaf falling from a tree, I'd be that leaf that travels straight down, next to the trunk; at the very least I hope to be a leaf that would get raked up into a pile so a bunch of people could have fun and jump into me.

So what has Suede given you for the past 100 posts? Topics like dog waste, Magnolia trees, beach attire, vehicle mechanics, with a platform like this, Suede will soon take on the ability to make all dreams come true.

Here I am today, enjoying the scorching days of summer while looking back on a writing journey that started with the budding trees and the tulip bulbs just beginning to come to life. 3 months later, the grass is lush and the beaches full.

My first post was called my Inaugural post so I guess this could be the equivalent of a State of the Union Address, well folks, I can honestly say the State of Suede is pretty good, and looks to stay strong in the coming dayz. I'd like to send out special love to my mentors and buddies. Angry Lurker, Bob from I Should Be Laughing, Miss Boobies, Lady Estrogen and Jhon from Platitudes of willful resemblance, these along with countless of others found on my reading list have all inspired and coached me through their kind words and faithful presence.

Where is Suede going into the future? I'm thinking possible topics may be a deconstruction of burritos, really breaking it down, all the way to the tortilla. I've got a Bob Barker post I'd like to get finished, Sea horses, bomb pops, toe clippers vs fingernail clippers, those tiny scissors dudes use to trim their nose hair. I am also debating a post on what we eat and the smells that come from our digestive tract, so many fun things to discuss, all in hopes of making our community a better place.

Peace ya'lls. Go out there and give someone a double hand shake, it is almost like hugging cept you don't have to press your nipples into someone.


  1. You look amazing for 100 :)

    Your blog rocks -- nuff said!

  2. Congrats on the 100!
    You don't look a day over 99!

    I love reading you every day....makes me think...and a good thing.

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post! Many more good posts to come I'm sure!

  4. This is great! Loved reading it, thanks for updating

  5. Happy 100th, keep doing what you do :)

  6. Congrats - and you've kept the steam up and interesting!

  7. Good work, my love! Keep it up!!

  8. Congrats on the big 100! I am looking forward to the sea horse post with great interest.

  9. Oh my God you crack me up! Congrats on the 100th! You are so funny and you remind me of myself with the one foot thing and the leaf falling. I am well past 1000 post and never though I'd be still doing this. But as long as people enjoy the musing of a ex drag, and gay boy I guess I'll keep at it. Thanks for the laugh it was a great post! See ya next to the tree trunk.
